All are welcome
All the time

Bedford United Church is a welcoming, spiritual community and part of the United Church of Canada. We rely upon the Bible as our primary source document. From the Bible we learn that, during his ministry, Jesus noted that the two greatest commandments are: “You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind” and “You are to love your neighbour as yourself.” In our efforts to follow “the way” of Jesus, the following values have emerged to characterize and guide us as a vibrant, Christian community.

As you read and explore these statements, may they engage you in an exploration of your own spirit and values. We warmly welcome you to BUC where together we all explore how God calls us to be and to live in today’s world. 

Our Values

We value community that emerges out of respect, deep listening, openness, compassion, generosity, and a spirit of joy and fun.

We value deep openness to the presence of God’s Spirit and the fostering of experiences that empower our awareness and connection with God’s Spirit.

We value spiritual learning and growth, that nurtures and supports us on the journey of life.

We value participation that empowers the leadership and ministries of all people.

We value God’s creation and working for sustainability, justice and peace for creation.

We value living with integrity that creates alignment between our words and our actions and enables courageous choices and risking change in the fulfilling of our mission.

(Approved at the Bedford United Church Annual General Meeting, held on March 4, 2007)

Inclusivity 🏳️‍🌈

We the people of Bedford United Church declare publicly our commitment to creating a community where all people are welcome regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, differing abilities, ethnic background or economic circumstances.

All persons are welcome to take part in every aspect of church life including membership, leadership, celebrating life passages and marriage. 

We celebrate the richness that diversity brings to our church, even as it challenges us. 

We pray for God’s spirit to guide us as we work for reconciliation and justice for all persons in both church and society.

(Approved at a regular meeting of the Church Council, held on October 30, 2005)

What does this look like in practice?
We're glad you asked!
Bedford United Church