Children, Youth
& Families
All voices are welcome and equal in our community. We are especially mindful to assure families that everyone has a place here. Families are always welcomed, whether in worship or an event.
Our events are family friendly and provide toddlers, children, and youth with activities and crafts that are inclusive and fun for the whole family. Annual family events at BUC include Church picnics, Advent and Easter parties, PD days, a family retreat at Camp Kidston, pancake supper and more! You will find our events listed on the BUC event calendar (starting with FM) here.
For more information about Children, Youth or Family programs contact Natalie Moyes, our Family Ministry Leader, 902-835-8497.
Intergenerational Worship
During intergenerational worship services, all ages are included in leading and participating in the service. People of every age are considered equally important, and this is an opportunity for us to all worship together in the same space. Intergenerational worship services take place several times a year.
Nursery & Toddlers
Nursery care is provided for children ages birth to 3 years. This program provides a nurturing, safe environment during worship services. The nursery is staffed by paid teenagers and volunteer adult and is open to caregivers who wish to accompany their children. Please note that the service is piped through a speaker.
Sunday For Children
Children engage in their own worship through Sunday School and Godly Play. This is our time as a community to remember who we are and whose we are so that we can go and be disciples in the world. Sunday School and Godly Play help children come closer to God as they experience God’s story on their own terms.
Faith Family Fridays
Faith Family events are wonderful opportunities for young families to gather for a casual supper and an evening of family, fun and friendship. Each night has a special theme. Check the church event calendar for the schedule of Faith Family Friday dates and events.
Jr Leaders
BUC offers a Jr. Leadership program for youth in grades 7-9. BUC Jr. leaders meet every Sunday and youth experience specialized and professional leadership training (including first aid and babysitter training), volunteer in the community at Feed NS, Beacon House, Mission Mart, offer leadership within our church community and connect to their faith.
Teens United
Teens United gather on a regular bases to explore questions of faith and identity in the midst of the challenges of the teen years. Teens United focuses on outreach in our community and connection to the wider church, including participating in regional youth forum, the GO Project and national youth events such as Rendez-Vous. Discussions, learning and above all – fun – are important aspects of our Teens United Program.
The Confirmation Group is an in-depth journey that will invite teens in Grades 9 and up to ask questions about the meaning and purpose of their lives, to grow in awareness of the love of God for them in Jesus, and to decide whether to choose to be baptized or to confirm the baptismal vows that have been made on their behalf. BUC hosts a confirmation program and retreat once a year with a confirmation service in June.
Day Camps
Each summer BUC offers day camps for elementary aged children. Day Camps are action packed weeks filled with games, new friends, outreach opportunities, crafts, activities, and worship, all centered around our theme for the week. There are also opportunities for youth leadership training and development during our programs. For more information or to sign up for camp please reach out to