Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals


At BUC, baptism is a beautiful celebration of each wondrous, unique life and God’s gift of love already present in everyone. A baptism is a gift of God’s grace and love and a commitment to the lifelong shared faith journey with children, youth, adults, our faith community, and God. If you are interested in exploring a baptism at BUC, please reach out to  In our tradition, baptism can happen at any age in a person’s life and is recognized by all denominations of the Christian church that practice baptism.


Congratulations on your decision to get married!  If you want to be married here, we are excited to meet you! Please call our office – 902-835-8497 (ext 4) – to make an appointment with one of our ministers.


In your time of grief, may you find the support you need from Bedford United Church.  Click here for some useful information regarding the process of grief and how we can assist you.  Please be sure to call the office – 902-835-8497 (ext 4) – to let us know about your loss and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

Bedford United Church