Small Groups

BUC hosts small group ministries to enable the creation of deep, meaningful community and friendship not just on Sunday mornings, but 24/7, 365 days a year. It is through our small groups that people find spiritual friends, caring and support. The small groups also provide an opportunity to share fun and mutual interests in life and we encourage all members and friends of BUC to take advantage of one or more of our small groups. If you would like to join one of these groups or if you have a small group ministry idea you would like to share with the community, please contact or call the church office 902-835-8497 (ext 4) – and we’ll help you on your way!

Book Club

Leaders: Charlotte Rhodes and Linda Adamson
The Bedford United Book Club enjoys monthly discussions from September to June, reading books from a variety of genres.  We meet in-person every third Tuesday at Bedford United from 7-9PM. Interested in joining this big group? Or starting a new book group? Linda and Charlotte are happy to help start up a new group! Be in touch!

BUC Musical Groups

Leader: Tony Janes
Join us for singing in worship and musical groups just for fun. Go to our Music Ministry page to see all the music offerings at BUC!


Leader: Nancy Jennings
Our devoted gardening group could use several more green thumbed gardeners to help with the church's flower beds ( or should that be brown thumbs, not green? ). The emphasis is on spring and fall when we prepare the beds for the upcoming seasons. In addition, people who can devote even a small bit of time during the summer to water and weed are always needed and greatly appreciated. Overall, time commitment is minimal.


Leader: BUC Office BUC Office
So much to see and explore in Nova Scotia! Don’t do it alone…join friends! Will you help plan our next outing?

Theatre Arts

Leader: BUC Office BUC Office
We’ve produced home-grown productions, dinner theatres, farces and mysteries.  It’s one of the BEST ways to deepen friendships and make new ones while supporting the church’s finances. 

Men's Group

Leader: BUC Office
So many great things to do together: help in a soup kitchen, play a golf tournament against the next church over, meet for breakfast and discuss world events!

BUC Seniors' Coffee Hour

Leader: Sandra Nimmo
Coffee, Conversation and Friendship can be found every Tuesday morning for the seniors at BUC from 10:00-11:00 at the Porch. Come join us!

United Church Women

Leaders: Wendy Levo, Isobel Fleming, Bette-Joan Knowles
Contact: BUC Office
Three distinctly unique groups of women working towards a common goal to love and support each other and in so doing, offer service and fundraising support to Bedford United Church and other community organizations.


Leaders: Wendy Levo & Kathy Lea
Are you a woodworker, knitter, crocheter, painter, jeweller, sewist?  We teach, we learn, we craft and most importantly, we talk and laugh. The Makers group meets every second Saturday afternoon, either in the Porch or the Parlour.  We meet from 1:30-4:30pm - come for the whole afternoon or drop in as you have time.  We meet all year round; sometimes we are a small gathering but we almost never miss a chance to get together.  We always have a variety of crafts – knitting, crocheting, painting, felting, sewing, chatting, etc.  We like to have show and tell which is great for inspiration and affirmation.  It’s always a great place to ask advice or suggestions.  The true value in being part of the Makers group is not about making crafts, it’s about the gathering together. 
We post notice of our gatherings on our Facebook page. If you want to be added to the email list to receive a reminder notice, please send a note to the BUC Office to be added.

Bedford United Church