This Sunday, we find ourselves at the threshold between the seasons of Epiphany and Lent. Church seasons don’t perfectly match meteorological seasons, but they similarly serve as reminders of the constancy of change, the cyclic nature of life. In September we relish in the last days of summer warmth, feeling the closeness of winter chills not far off. On Transfiguration Sunday, (March 3rd, this year), we bask once more in the glow of Epiphany light as we anticipate the humble ashes coming on Wednesday.
You many want to read the story of Jesus’ transfiguration ahead of time; it’s sure to leae you with curiosities! (Luke 9:28-36) Give some thought to the times you’ve experienced a sense of wonder and awe, a sense that the world is alive with holiness. Are these the moments that prepare us for the daily work of trudging through the muck of spring, and frozen earth of winter?