Prayer Ministry

Bedford United Church is a praying community. 

Our ministry of prayer unites us in God’s spirit as a community, for the benefit of others and ourselves.
We believe in the mystery and the power of prayer.

The Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle is a public prayer ministry for people who have requested our prayers. If you are requesting prayer for a loved one, please ensure you have their permission to be added to the list, as the prayer request is included in our weekly email to the congregation and its friends.  Generally, names are to be removed after a short time as and when appropriate.  Please send your prayer circle request to

The emergency Prayer Chain

The Emergency Prayer Chain is a confidential prayer ministry of Bedford United Church, for urgent or emergency prayer requests.  Emergency prayer requests are shared in confidence with members of this prayer ministry, for immediate, short-term prayer. If you are looking for confidential prayer from the Emergency Prayer Chain, please contact

Bedford United Church